Monday, March 21, 2011

Three Free Modern Hymns

Modern hymn writers Keith and Kristyn Getty are offering 3 free songs for download.  Here's some of what they had to say about each song:

1. Behold the Lamb (Communion Hymn)
The “Communion Hymn” is a song we wrote for congregations to use during communion. The opening verse prepares us for what is to come, while the following two verses focus on the bread and the wine. The final verse is meant to be used during the time of response at the closing of a service.
2. The Power of the Cross
The hymn is essentially about the suffering of Christ. Through use of visual imagery, it asks us to consider some of the horrors the Lord endured on our behalf.
In addition to realizing the suffering Christ endured, the song also helps us understand what it means for Christ to "bear the weight of our sin"—to bring about our forgiveness.
3. Come, People of the Risen King
“Come People of the Risen King” is a call to worship, intended to unite our hearts in praise of the One who saved us and who invites us to come and rejoice in him. 

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