Friday, February 25, 2011

More Than Meets the Eye

One thing I like about digital photography is its ability to save a bad picture.  Saving a bad picture is vital if you're trying to sell something on eBay and you're not a pro photographer.  Like many things online, an attractive picture can the ticket that gets someone to click on your auction.

Rather than taking expensive photography lessons or Photoshop classes, save money by utilizing free online resources to help improve your photo-taking and -editing abilities.  I like the photo-taking tips here from Disney of ~Ruffles and Stuff~.  And here are some super helpful instructions on how to improve your photos using Photoshop—including before and after shots—from professional Mike Loveland of

Here's an example of saving a bad picture.  My house doesn't get much natural light, so taking a decent picture without flash is tricky.  Observe this pic of a cute desk calendar I got (for free!), taken without flash:


But with a little adjusting of the curves in Photoshop, presto change-o!

So much better.  (I didn't even add the gray shadows around the edges...)

Side-by-side comparisons:


The saying goes "Don't judge a book by its cover," but when a buyer is online a picture may be all they have to go on.  Make sure it leaves a good impression.

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